


  • 键盘: Shift + Alt + Ctrl + D
  • 控制器: RB+LB+右摇杆+左摇杆

执行动作命令 Perform action commands

/ma使用法术/ma “Cure” <t>
/ja使用职业技能/ja “Berserk” <me>
/ws使用WS/ws “Shark Bite” <t>
/ra使用弓箭/ra <t>
/pet使用宠物命令/pet “Predator Claws” <t>
/item使用物品/item “Echo Drops” <me>
/target瞄准一个实体/target 玩家名字
/targetnpc瞄准最近的 NPC/targetnpc
/check检查玩家或者怪物/check PlayerName
/assist将您的目标更改为您正在协助的人正在攻击的对象/assist TheTank

Equipment and macro changing commands

/equip装备一件装备/equip head “Destrier Beret”
/equipsetEquips a gear set/equipset 18
/macro setChanges your active macro set/macro set 5
/macro bookChanges your active macro book/macro book 2
/wait X OR <wait X>等待X秒/wait 1 OR/ma “Cure” <t> <wait 1>

Chat and Party/Alliance Commands

宏命令 中文注释 示例
/recast显示魔法或技能的剩余时间/recast “Provoke”
/pcmdPerforms a party command/pcmd add “PlayerName”
/acmdPerforms an alliance command/acmd leader “PlayerName”
/p给队伍发送消息/p Hello Party!
/l给LS发送消息/l Hello LS!
/echo展示一条只能自己看到的消息/echo Noone can see this but me!

目标和子目标 Targets and Sub-Targets

有几个命令必须有目标(例如 /lockon、/target、/magic 和 /range),您可以使用以下表格内容来选择目标。

请记住,在使用 <t> 时,如果有人因换装备而闪一下,您将失去目标。使用 <stpt> 或 <stal> 可以防止目标丢失,因为它会在你的队伍和联盟列表上下移动,不会闪烁。

Several commands require you to specify a target as a parameter to your action (such as /lockon, /target, /magic, and /range), you can use the following placeholders to select targets. Keep in mind when using <t> in a macro, if a person blinks due to changing gear you will lose your target. Using <stpt> or <stal> will prevent the loss of target since it moves up and down your party and alliance list, which does not blink.

TargetUsed forExample
<me>将目标设置为自己/ja “Benediction” <me>
<t>将目标设置为光标选中的目标/ws “Hexa Strike” <t>
<bt>Sets target of the macro to the last monster claimed by party/ma “Stun” <bt>
<ht>Sets target of macro to a target that is in Call For Help status/slap <ht>
<ft>Sets target of macro to your Adventuring Fellow/ma “Cure” <ft>
<st>Creates a subtarget for you to choose who to activate your macro on/ma “Cure” <st>
<stpc>Creates a subtarget that only selects playable characters/ma “Raise” <stpc>
<stpt>Creates a subtarget that only selects players in your party/ma “Erase” <stpt>
<stal>Creates a subtarget that only selects players in your alliance/ma “Cure IV” <stal>
<lastst>Sets target of macro to the last selected subtarget/ma “Silena” <lastst>
<r>将目标设置为:最后一个给你发消息人/ma “Cure” <r>
<pet>将宏的目标设置为您的宠物/p <pet> is engaging a monster!
<scan>将目标设置为 常规光标选中的目标,无法确定远近关系/ja “Provoke” <scan>
<p0> ~ <p5>将目标设置为队伍的第几位 (0 是自己)/ma “Cure V” <p5>
<a10> ~ <a15>将目标设置为联盟最高的目标顺序/ma “Cure III” <a12>
<a20> ~ <a25>将目标设置联盟中间的目标顺序/ma “Cure IV” <a23>


你可使用下面命令,展示一些有用的信息 You can use some commands to display helpful information to your teammates.

<hp>显示您的当前生命值/最大生命值的比值/p I have <hp>!
<hpp>显示您当前剩余的 HP 百分比/p I have <hpp> HP remaining!
<mp>显示您的当前 MP / 最大 MP比值/p I have <mp>!
<mpp>显示你当前剩余的 MP 百分比/p I have <mpp> MP remaining!
<tp>显示您当前的 TP/p I have <tp> TP! Ready for skillchain!
<pethpp>显示宠物的HP百分比/p My pet is at <pethpp> HP!
<petmpp>显示宠物的MP百分比/p My pet is at <petmpp> MP!
<pettp>显示你宠物的 TP/p My pet is at <pettp> TP!
<fthpp>显示你的冒险伙伴的 HP % (特别说明,大部分私服均删除了fellow)/p My adventuring fellow is at <fthpp> HP remaining!
<call>发出声音 <call1> 哨子声音, <call12> 另一种声音/p Wake up! <call3>
<ncall>Creates a sound for party members to hear/p Big move coming up! <ncall13>
<scall>Creates a sound but doesn’t vibrate controllers for party members to hear/p Incoming! <scall5>
<job>, <mjob>, <sjob>展示您的职业,主职、副职/p I’m <job>.
<pos>展示你当前的位置/l Help! I need raise at <pos>!
<recast=”X”>显示你技能使用的时间/p My SP is available in <recast=”Invincible”>.
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